We have front brakes……

On the 1988 Sportster project I am using a front brake caliper from a sportbike… I have the single piston Harley Davidson stock front brake caliper and was planning to just rebuild it and run it but I was watching some YouTube the other night and came across a video on Shadetree Surgeon’s channel about a front brake caliper upgrade using an inexpensive sportbike caliper.

Here is Shadetree’s Video of the front brake caliper upgrade on his FXR:

I picked up a front left brake caliper from a 2007 Ninja EX650 on eBay, The caliper was less than $25 delivered. Ordered a set of brake pads off Amazon (only need the left set, so if anyone wants/needs the right set let me know). Finally I picked up a caliper adapter from Still Kicking Moto (this was the expensive piece at $100 delivered).

SK Brake Caliper Adapter
Mounted the left side caliper to the Still Kicking Moto caliper adapter.
2007 Ninja EX650 Brake Caliper mounted on a Sportster
Pretty nice set up. Well made, very nice fit and finish.

For the front brake master cylinder I am using one from a Honda Shadow.
Honda Shadow Brake Master Cylinder
Got it all hooked up and bled the brakes. We have front brakes…

For the rear brake I am going to rebuild the stock Harley caliper unless I come up with something cooler.

Sissybar is almost finished… hope to finish it up this weekend.

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