Make it Stop… Front Brakes

The front brake rotor on the Honda Shadow is pretty well chewed up. So while we are doing all this work on the bike I am going to replace the front rotor and front brake pads. Will also flush the brake fluid and bleed the front brakes.

Picked up a set of front brake pads from JP Cycles.
Honda Shadow Front Brake Pads
Found a brake rotor on eBay. Looks pretty good on there. Little bit of Red Loctite on the rotor bolts.
Honda Shadow Front Brake Rotor

New brake rotor installed, along with a the new set of pads on the front caliper. Then put the front wheel back on and tightened everything down to specs.
Honda Shadow Front Brake Rotor and Caliper
Flushed and bled the front brakes. All works like it should. She’ll stop. Before she comes off the lift I am going to pull the rear wheel and make sure the rear brake shoes are ok.

Also picked up a solo seat from BobberCycle and got it mounted. Just a quick picture of the progress.
Honda Shadow Project Progress 03/03/2021
Getting pretty close to being ready to put her on the road.

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