Rabbit Ear Handlebars…

The 88 “Swedish Style” Sportster project is getting a set of rabbit ear bars. The current bars on the Sportster are OK, they were just some I had but I don’t really like the pull back on them. I got a good deal on this set of rabbit ear bars at the Peanut City Chop and Swap a couple weekends ago so they are going to replace the ones that are on there now.

The Peanut City Chop and Swap (@peanut_city) was a great event! This was the second annual Peanut City Chop and Swap. The first one was back in 2019, I picked up a set of bars and the carburetor for the black 1988 Sportster at that one. It was canceled last year due to the state of the world but this year it was back! Already looking forward to next year. Picked up these rabbit ear bars from Derek (@InTheWeeds). Thanks for the great deal on the bars!

Rabbit Ear Handlebars 1988 Swedish Style Sportster

Pretty easy to change them out since I am just swapping the bars and don’t have to replace any cables, wiring, or brake line. Well the brake line is a little tight. I think it’s ok, but it might get replaced, or probably not.

Rabbit Ear Handlebars 1988 Swedish Style Sportster

The rabbit ear bars look pretty good on there I think. I like them a lot better than the pullbacks.

Want to watch me sweat and drop tools? I did a quick vlog on swapping the bars on the Sportster.

If you enjoy my vlogs please subscribe to the Sportster Project YouTube channel.

Until next time… Build. Tinker. Ride.

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