It’s Been a Minute…

I know it has been a bit since my last post. Still here, just been really busy with work and family stuff. Biketoberfest was a blast and I posted a couple of videos to the YouTube Channel. One from Willie’s Chopper Time Old School Chopper Show and some clips from the Full Throttle Boardwalk Bike Show, so stop by the channel and check them out.

Picked up a new toy for the garage, a 7 x 14 import mini-lathe. Basically the least expensive one I could find on eBay (here is a comparable one on Amazon). Been tinkering with it the last couple weeks… pretty neat and learning a lot. Still have a lot of work to do to improve it. Took it apart and cleaned it up, I made a carriage lock for it and there are some other things I need to do to improve it.
7 x 14 Mini Lathe
I haven’t really made anything useful yet but I have been taking the time to learn processes, practice techniques, improve/tune the lathe, and collect tooling. Didn’t really have a need for this, but I have been wanting to learn more about machining.

I also picked up an inexpensive plasma cutter. Have it set up but have not really had a chance to mess with it much… have a couple of projects where it will come in handy, just have to get around to them.

I did a fall cleaning in the garage before leaving for Biketoberfest, but it is pretty much trashed again. I did get all my parts and junk organized, all the small stuff is on the shelf downstairs so I don’t have to go digging through the attic for things.
Sportster Parts
I would get rid of some of it, but as soon as I did I would need something. I have lots of odds and ends, handlebars, lights, covers, cables, pieces and parts – some of it junk, some of it good… if you are working on a Evo Sporty and need something hit me up with what you need, if I have it I’ll probably let it go cheap (like probably just the cost of shipping).

All the bikes are currently in good running condition… that is kind of weird. Don’t worry I’ll get to breaking something soon.

Winter is just around the corner and I have had enough already, can’t wait for Spring. I hate the cold and this getting dark at 5 PM crap sucks.

Have a couple videos planned for the coming weeks so be sure to stop by the YouTube Channel and hit the subscribe button.

More to come soon… Until then…
Build. Tinker. Ride.

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