Did a little work on the 1988 Sportster project last night and she is almost ready to take for a ride. Nowhere near finished, but almost to the point I should be able to hop on and take her for a spin.
Last night I got the new J&P Cycles petcock installed (this one does not leak), finished tightening down the controls and foot pegs, mounted the kickstand, mounted the rear fender, and put all the circuit breakers where they are suppose to be.

JP Cycles Black Petcock
Put a little gas in the tank and started her up to listen to her run for a few minutes 🙂
Still have a lot of stuff to do yet before she is “finished”. Need to clean up the wiring for the key switch and start button. Have to figure out a headlight mount and finish up the wiring up front (head light, oil and neutral light, brake light). Need to paint the sissy bar. There are a few other odds and ends. BUT… none of this should keep me from taking her out for a quick ride.
Almost there…