She RUNS!!!

Had some time Friday after work to get things buttoned up and give starting her up a try. Wasn’t much left to do: connect the coil, add some oil, put some fuel in the tank, cross our fingers, and hope for the best. Since I don’t have the controls yet I rigged up a switch and button to temporarily wire into the harness. Turned on the ignition, flipped the switch, held our breath, and Sandy hit the button… She fired right up!!!

Of course I had to take a quick video. This video is from the second time we fired her up.

I did a write up and video on setting the static timing on the Compu-Fire Ignition. You can see the Compu-Fire Ignition Timing light flashing when the front cylinder is at TDC in the video.

I had picked up a timing cover from Brass Balls Cycles awhile back. It was “free” (well like a few bucks for shipping and I think you can still get one if you want it). Since she is running I went ahead and buttoned up the ignition.
Brass Balls Timing Cover
Looks pretty good on there.

Also added the covers and trim to the open primary belt drive pulleys.
Open Belt Primary Covers and Trim

Added a little inspiration from Go Fast Don’t Die to the gas tank.
Go Fast - Don't Die

Just a few months ago she was just a worn out motor and an idea. Now.. She starts! She runs!!! She looks fantastic!!! Next step is the hand controls, I’ll get them ordered this week. Then foot controls, brakes… getting closer. My goal is to have her on the road to ride to the Peanut City Chop and Swap on September 14.

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